August 2012, Illiotibial Bands Raise Their Ugly Heads
In late July I got a pair of brand new, real running shoes. Some Mizuno Wave Inspire 8’s. They felt great. Maybe too good. Feeling emboldened with my new foot gear I went out for a run on August 7th, and instead of stopping at 3-4 miles, just kept going. A full 6.3 (10k!) by the end.
The problem was that with each mile I felt better and better. It was exhilarating. A full 10k and it felt great. Even better, I clocked a 8:29 min/mile pace, which for me was great. An awesome improvement from the 9-10 min/miles before.
A couple days later I put in a 4 mile run at 8:27 min/mile, again feeling great.
Unbeknownst to me at the time, I was upping my mileage faster than my body could handle. On August 15 I went out for, what I assumed would be, another PR run. About 1 mile in I got a sudden sharp pain on the outside lower corner of my right knee cap. If I walked the pain went away, if I ran it killed. WHAT?!
I walked home, got online and diagnosed my symptoms. My Illiotibial Band. Arg.
I was so frustrated. Right as I was starting to honestly enjoy running, my body says “I don’t think so!”
I took the next month+ off, only doing bike rides.
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